The Law Office of
Sara A. Evanczyk

Mediation requests may be made online by selecting the "Request Mediation" button at the top of this page. For other questions or to speak to someone regarding setting an appointment for mediation or other services, please call Morgan at 970.668.0912 or email her at Please note: Morgan's regular hours are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday between 8:30am and 3:00pm.
​Our mailing address is: The Law Office of Sara A. Evanczyk, LLC, P.O. Box 2807,Frisco, Co 80443
We are located at 610 E. Main Street, Suite 14A, Frisco, CO on the second floor of the Mountain View Center II Building (above Around the World Toys), which is located on the south side of Main Street between 6th and 7th Avenue. We have a locked drop-box to the right of our office door where you can drop documents and payment if you miss us. Please just call (970.668.0912) or email us to let us know that you dropped something off so that we can retrieve it promptly.